《洋眼看安徽》第一期:邂逅挑花之美 感受非遗魅力

发布者:胡孟杰 /文 /图 胡孟杰 /审核 发布时间:2023-11-10浏览次数:10


Look through the ages blue and white, and encounter the beauty of cross-stitch work. In Wangjiang County on the north bank of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the simple folk customs and long history and culture have created the highly local characteristics of Wangjiang cross-stitch art. In the first issue of Anhui Global Vision, please pay attention to the Wangjiang cross-stitch.

新闻来源:中国网韵动安徽    《洋眼看安徽》第一期:邂逅挑花之美 感受非遗魅力