Changzheng Cheng

Publisher:Release time:2022-11-18Number of views:12

Information of Supervisors for International Students


Changzheng Cheng



Highest Education Qualification






Department of Engineering Mechanics, College of Civil Engineering

Opening Position

Master      Doctor     Post-doc




BA: Sep.1996-Jun.2000, Material Science Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, China

MA: Sep.2000-Jun.2003, Solid Mechanics, HefeiUniversity of Technology, China

PhD: Sep.2004-Jan.2008, Engineering Mechanics, HefeiUniversity of Technology, China



Jul.2003-Dec.2009 Lecture Department of Engineering Mechanics, Hefei University of Technology,Hefei, China

Dec.2009-Dec.2013 Assistant professor Department of Engineering Mechanics, Hefei University ofTechnology, Hefei, China

Dec.2013-Present Professor Department of Engineering Mechanics, Hefei University of Technology,Hefei, China



Computational Mechanics;

Fracture Mechanics;

Mechanics of Functional Graded Material;

Multi-scale Mechanics

Fatigue and failure analysis,

Structure optimization

Representative Research Output & Sponsored Research Projects


[1]Research on thermal performance of chip packaging structure by boundary element method,National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2012-2014

[2]Research on the strength of the functionally graded magneto-electroelastic notch by the boundaryelement method, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2014-2017

[3]Study of complete singular stress field near three-dimensional notch root by isogeometric boundaryelement method, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2018-2021

[4] Research on Fracture Dynamics of V-notched Structure by Boundary Element Method Coupled with Singularity Characteristic Analysis,National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2022-2025.


[1] Y.F. Huang,C.Z. Cheng*, Z.L. H, H.L Zhou. Simulation of singularity in the potential problem with semi-analytical elements. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 97: 666-682.

[2] Y.Y Yang, W.P, S.L Yao, C.Z. Cheng*, Q.G. Wu. Analysis of the non-singular stress terms for the sharp notches under anti-plane loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021, 245: 107583.

[3]C.Z. Cheng*, W. Pan, Y.F. Huang, J.L. Sun, Z.R. Niu. Influence of geometry and material on the stress intensity of an interfacial crack propagating from a bi-material notch. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2020, 111: 206-211.

[4] S.L. Yao, M. Zappalorto, W. Pan, C.Z. Cheng*, Z.R. Niu. Two dimensional displacement and stress fields for tri-material V-notches and sharp inclusions in anisotropic plates. European Journal of Mechanics/A Solids, 2020, 80: 103927.

[5] S.L. Yao, M. Zappalorto, C.Z. Cheng*, Z.R. Niu, J.C. Li. Determination of high order fields for multi anisotropic materials antiplane V-notches and inclusion by the asymptotic expansion technique and an over-deterministic method. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2020, 43, 1384-1398.

[6] W. Pan, Y.Y. Yang, S.L. Yao, C.Z. Cheng*, Z.R. Niu. The calculation of singular orders for composite material antiplane propagating V-notches. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2020, 124: 89-97.

[7] Z.L. Han, Y.F. Huang, C.Z. Cheng*, Y.C. Liang, Z.J. Hu, Z.R. Niu. The semianalytical analysis of nearly singular integrals in 2D potential problem by isogeometric boundary element method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2020; 121: 3560-3583.

[8] Z.L. Han, S.K.F. Stoter, C.T. Wu, C.Z. Cheng, A. Mantzaflaris, S.G. Mogilevskaya*, D. Schillinger. Consistent discretization of higher-order interface models for thin layers and elastic material surfaces, enabled by isogeometric cut-cell methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2019, 350: 245-267.

[9] C.Z. Cheng*, D. Pan, Z.L. Han, M. Wu, Z.R. Niu. A state space boundary element method with analytical formulas for nearly singular integrals. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2018, 31(4): 433-444.

[10] S.L Yao, C.Z. Cheng*, Z.R. Niu, Z.J. Hu. Evaluation of notch stress intensity factors by the asymptotic expansion technique coupled with the finite element method. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 61: 682-692.

[11] C.Z. Cheng*, S.L. Yao, J.L. Sun, Z.R. Niu. Singularity characteristic analysis for a V-notch in angularly heterogeneous moderately thick plate. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 115-116: 215-225.

[12] C.Z. Cheng*, S.Y. Ge, S.L. Yao, Z.R. Niu, N. Recho. Singularity analysis for a V-notch with angularly inhomogeneous elastic properties. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016, 78-79: 138-148.

[13] C.Z. Cheng*, S.L. Yao, Z.L. Han, N. Recho, Z.R. Niu. Evaluation of the singularity exponents and characteristic angular functions for piezoelectric V-notches under in plane and out of plane conditions. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2015, 76: 50-59.

[14] C.Z. Cheng*, Z.R. Niu, N. Recho. Effect of non-singular stress on the brittle fracture of V-notched structure. International Journal of Fracture, 2012, 174: 127-138.

[15] C.Z. Cheng*, Z.R. Niu, N. Recho, Z.Y. Yang, R.Y. Ge. A natural stress boundary integral equation for calculating the near boundary stress field. Computers and Structures, 2011, 89:1449-1455.




1. Sep.2008-Sep.2009 Visiting scholar Department of Mechanical Engineering, EPF Ecole D’Ingenieurs,Paris, France

2. Dec.12-14,2012 Attending the 4th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering, Kyoto, Japan

3. July.28-30, 2014 Attending the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2014), Cambridge, England